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Anabolic Steroids, also known as Anabolic – Androgenic Steroids , are artificial steroidal androgens that work like natural Testesterone and acts upon androgen receptors of the body. Testesterone is the main sex hormone present in males. Women too have testosterone , but in smaller amount.
Anabolic Androgenic steroids were synthesized first in 1930s, mainly to be used therapeutically. As these anabolic steroids promote mainly muscle growth, these were used :
- As Growth Stimulator to treat children with growth failure.
- For aiding weight gain post surgery or any physical trauma during chronic infection.
Other uses include:
- For Bone Marrow Stimulation as a treatment of Hypoplastic anemias due to Leukemia, Kidney Failure or Aplastic anaemia.
- Stimulation of apetite and preservation of muscle mass of people suffering from chronic wasting conditions like AIDS and Cancer.
Some body builders and athletes use these drugs to build up muscles and improve athletic performance. These doses may be 10 to 100 times higher than doses used to treat medical conditions. Using them this way, without any prescription from a doctor is neither legal nor safe. The use of anabolic steroids is banned by all sporting associations including International Olympic Committee, WWE, FIFA , UEFA, ICC, etc. The illegal use of these drugs by atheletes is called Doping. Many countries like the U.S. , Canada, Australia, Argentina, Brazil, etc. have imposed strict law against the use of these drugs. Penalties or imprisionment may be imposed upon the accused. However, even after such strict laws, Anabolic steroids are smuggled illegally throughout the world under the names of “Roids”, “Juice”, “Gym candy”, etc.
Administration of Anabolic Steroids usually involve 4 routes : Oral pills, Injectable steroids, Cream/ gels for topical applications and Skin Patches. The adverse effects of use of these drugs include muscular hypertrophy (excessive increase in bulk of skeletal muscle), libido changes, reversible infertility, acne, premature balding or hair loss, high blood pressure, jaundice, stunted growth, heart diseases like Artherosclerosis, Myocardial Infraction, left ventricular hypertrophy and sudden death.
Pshycological and neurological effects may include mood swings, irritability, aggression, reckless behavior, anxiety, euphoria, depression, cognitive impairment and withdrawl dependence.
Hepatic and impacts include Hepatotoxicity, Jaundice, Elevated levels of Bilirubin. Other adverse impacts include glucose intolerance, insulin resistance and immunological dysfunction.
Anabolic steroids are majorly named as Androstanole, Boldenone, Drostanolone, Metenolone, etc. These are marketed under the names like Androna, Androteston, Sterotate, Testolent, Agovirin, Depovirin, Notandron , etc. Even though anabolic steroids are not addictive as other drugs, they can cause withdrawl symptoms. Research has further found that some steroid users take drugs like opiods to reduce sleep problems and irritability caused by steroids. This again pushes him into a vicious cycle. For people seeking treatment for anabolic steroid addiction, a combination of behavioral therapy and medications will be helpful.
As we see, the cons of using anabolic steroids outweigh the pros of having it. Now a days, the growing taboo in our society that a firm body looks impressive and gets more attention is becoming the main cause of anabolic steroid abuse among the youth. This not only affects the health of the person using it, but also drags his economy backward in the present or in future while facing health issues.
We must remember that most impressive thing is a Healthy body, a body which is fit from inside. This is achieved by maintaining a healthy lifestyle. This encodes the key to a happy and prosperous life. With this quote I end my topic, until then “ Use Mask and Sanitizers and roll up your sleeves to fight this battle against COVID 19.”
“Stay safe, Stay healthy”
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