Why mangoes induce sleepiness?

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Mango, or Mangifera indica, is a rich fruit with full of vitamins and minerals. It is sweet with high level of natural sugar. They also contain a significant amount of fibers, vitamins B6, B12, magnesium and potassium. Pyridoxine(B6) which is vital for the synthesis of serotonin and dopamine in the brain.

Neurotransmitter dopamine works in controlling sleep regulation. It acts in pineal gland which stimulates the release of melatonin, which is central to dictating the ‘circadian rhythm’ in humans- the series of biological processes that enable brain activity to adapt to the time of the day. Serotonin is the first hypothesized sleep-promoting substance of modern neuroscience. Cobalamin(B12) helps keep the circadian rhythms in sync and also lowers the risk of depression, a health condition that can disrupt the sleep-wake process. Magnesium reduces nerve activity by slowing down nerve impulses and relaxing muscles. Potassium is a mineral and natural muscle relaxant. Therefore, mangoes are thought to help in preventing insomnia and provide a better night’s sleep. In some countries mangoes are eaten right before bed as a natural sleep aid. Mangos are also a powerful anti-cancer food and are specifically known to help prevent lung, breast, colon, prostate, blood, and oral cancers.


Written By-
Chinmaya Kumar Sahoo

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